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Mental Health in the Food Industry

Updated: May 15

Mental health is very essential for leading a happy life. It affects how we feel, think, and live our lives by encompassing our emotional, psychological, and sociological well-being. Prioritizing mental health is, of course, critical.

We are here to help you to find resources that support mental health awareness within your organization and as individuals. Please take a few minutes to review and be sure to ask for help when it's needed.

A website dedicated to providing information and support resources for those in the hospitality industry who are struggling with depression, anxiety, thoughts of suicide, substance abuse disorder, addiction, or workplace harassment.

#Fairkitchens is a movement fighting for a more resilient and sustainable food service and hospitality industry, calling for change by showing that a healthier culture makes for a healthier business. It strives to make the industry a fairer, more inclusive, and happier place to be to keep the talent we have today and attract the talent we need for the future

Modern Health Resources, research podcasts, and more.

Not 9-5 is a non-profit global leader in mental health advocacy for the food service industry. Through practical education and meaningful community building, we are reimagining the industry by breaking stigmas and fuelling hope. Our vision is physical and psychological safety for the entire hospitality and culinary workforce. Not 9-5 aspires to normalize mental health training, sick leave, workplace accommodations, healthcare benefits, support, and resources to all.

Be their certificate course teaches how to recognize signs of a struggle, what to say to start the conversation, how to build trust and offer practical support, tips to be a better listener, set healthy boundaries, how to access professional and community resources, and maintaining your own mental health

CAMH has a vast catalog of verified, research-informed mental illness material. They have comprehensive services to support everyone with any kind of mental health issue.

Article on support for small business owners to avoid burnout

Lots of resources for managing time, sales and marketing tools, project management tools, financing tools, Customer relationship management (CRM), communication tools

For more information, please reach out to your Venturepark Labs contacts.

Written By: Venturepark Labs Team.


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