Black History Month is a time to honor the legacy and contributions of Black Canadians. We’re proud to profile Nichole Nzegwu, the founder of Kare Granola, and a member of our Food Incubator. Nichole is a big believer in community and seeks to support fellow Black entrepreneurs.
What does Black History Month mean to you and your business?
This month is a great opportunity for all Black businesses to shine and to be more appreciated. This should be actually done every day, but in this historical month, there’s a spotlight for us to support ours and other businesses, spread more awareness and educate people about our culture and history, and bring diversity to the world.
How do you celebrate Black History Month?
I celebrate by celebrating others. So, from Kare Granola, we are leveraging our social media accounts by giving shoutouts to other businesses to appreciate and support other Black businesses to appreciate their dedication, hard work, and efforts.
What is your message to Black entrepreneurs who just started their businesses?
Success is never an easy journey, there’ll be ups and downs and imposter syndrome that is going to question what you’re doing with your business but don’t let them get into your mind and always remember the reason why you started your business and if you’re feeling overwhelmed with everything that’s going on - it’s okay to take a little time to pause and refresh your mind. But always keep going!
How did you start your business?
I came from a big family, food is always a big feast growing up. Everything was made from scratch and before I started my food business I loved cooking because it was a way to bring family and friends together. When I started thinking about turning my passion for food into a business, I didn't know how to go about it. I tried various food ideas, but I wasn't sure if they were the right products.
Why granola?
There was one fateful morning, I was awoken by the aroma of a fresh bakery at 4 am from my sister visiting from the UK, and being jetlagged, she woke up at 3 AM and started baking. I walked into the kitchen and saw trays of freshly baked granola crunch everywhere. I was amazed at how tasty they were. The exciting part was that I didn't know that you could make granola from scratch, and baking wasn't my strongest suit.
I love granola so much that I'd buy a pack from the grocery store and finish it within a couple of days. But it was always hard to find healthier options. I started creating various granola recipes and shared them with friends. The feedback from friends and family was fantastic, everyone just LOVED it and that is how Kare Granola was born.
What inspired you to launch customizable granola?
It began when I started the business, and there are customers who would ask a request “I don’t want nuts inside of it”, “I don’t want any raisins inside of it”, “Can I put more fruits there?” and I started to give an idea, hm… What if I just offer a customizable granola for the customers? Customers would be able to create their own and it would also be easier for us to supply the products and pack them. And ever since then, the production, packing process, and everything became easier and smoother.
You can find Kare Granola’s products on their online store Karegranola.com/shop